
Asura Technologies Logo

At Asura Technologies, our definition of parking compliance means meticulously validating these checkpoints. Our video analytics solutions cover the entire compliance process:

Comprehensive Vehicle Data Collection: We gather detailed parameters for each parking session.

Cross-Referencing and Rule Adherence: Vehicle data is cross-referenced with payment records, blacklists, and custom rules set by lot operators.

Consequence Determination: Based on rule clearance status, we determine appropriate consequences once the vehicle exits the parking lot.

While history is rife with attempts to create comprehensive parking compliance systems, many encountered unforeseen challenges. Today, armed with AI-based video analytics, we believe we are better positioned than ever to achieve seamless, efficient parking compliance.

Parking Compliance and AI:
A Seamless Journey

Among all traffic domains, parking stands out as the most amenable to video automation. Its linear process allows for a clear path, where camera sensors and backend algorithms work in tandem to register end-to-end events:

Lot Entry Event

The initial information pickup as a vehicle enters the parking area.

Grace Period:

A timeframe during which drivers search for available spaces.

Parking Session & Validation:

Continuous monitoring and information processing during the parking session.

Exit Event:

Decision on potential enforcement process trigger upon departure.

Lot Entry Event

The initial information pickup as a vehicle enters the parking area.

Grace Period:

A timeframe during which drivers search for available spaces.

Parking Session & Validation:

Continuous monitoring and information processing during the parking session.

Exit Event:

Decision on potential enforcement process trigger upon departure.

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Old Enforcement Methods

Traditional enforcement companies grapple with the limitations of manual monitoring. Outdated processes hinder efficiency and effectiveness.

24/7 Parking Lot Monitoring Automation

Our cutting-edge technology ensures continuous surveillance, eliminating gaps and providing real-time insights into parking compliance. Whether day or night, Asura’s automated system keeps watch.

High Operational Costs

The reliance on manual labor drives up operational expenses significantly. Human resources, training, and supervision contribute to the financial burden.

Reduced Operational Costs with AI Automation

By replacing manual labor with AI-driven processes, we significantly reduce operational expenses. Asura’s smart solutions optimize efficiency while minimizing resource-intensive tasks.

Coverage Constraints

Manual monitoring is inherently limited by shifts and availability. Continuous, round-the-clock surveillance becomes challenging, impacting overall compliance coverage.

Impactful Revenue Enhancement

Identifying non-compliant activity isn’t just about compliance—it directly impacts revenue collection. Asura’s comprehensive approach ensures that every violation detected contributes proportionally to increased revenue.



Old Enforcement Methods

Traditional enforcement companies grapple with the limitations of manual monitoring. Outdated processes hinder efficiency and effectiveness.



24/7 Parking Lot Monitoring Automation

Our cutting-edge technology ensures continuous surveillance, eliminating gaps and providing real-time insights into parking compliance. Whether day or night, Asura’s automated system keeps watch.



High Operational Costs

The reliance on manual labor drives up operational expenses significantly. Human resources, training, and supervision contribute to the financial burden.



Reduced Operational Costs with AI Automation

By replacing manual labor with AI-driven processes, we significantly reduce operational expenses. Asura’s smart solutions optimize efficiency while minimizing resource-intensive tasks.



Coverage Constraints

Manual monitoring is inherently limited by shifts and availability. Continuous, round-the-clock surveillance becomes challenging, impacting overall compliance coverage.



24/7 Parking Lot Monitoring Automation

Our cutting-edge technology ensures continuous surveillance, eliminating gaps and providing real-time insights into parking compliance. Whether day or night, Asura’s automated system keeps watch.

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Frictionless parking